Dr. Pierson Comments: DOJ Seizes 2 Domains Linked to USAID Phishing Campaign
June 1, 2021 – Dr. Chris Pierson was quoted in the Gov Info Security article: “DOJ Seizes 2 Domains Linked to USAID Phishing Campaign.”
This article talks about how the Department of Justice seized two domains that were used during a recent phishing campaign that targeted a marketing firm used by the U.S. Agency for International Development – USAID – to send malicious messages to thousands of potential victims.
Pierson notes that this latest incident continues a pattern of attackers targeting trusted third parties as a way to maximize a campaign.
“When we review the past 24 months of nation-state attacks, we see an increasing trend to attack trusted providers, third party solutions, or integrators as weak points,” Pierson says. “Assurance reviews can only go so far in determining the risks. Companies really need to assume their providers will be targeted and find ways to wall off further access or impact for critical systems.”
Read the full article here: https://www.govinfosecurity.com/doj-seizes-2-domains-linked-to-usaid-phishing-campaign-a-16782