Ransomware attacks netted payments exceeding $1 billion globally for the first time in 2023, according to data published Wednesday.

Zero-day exploits, including the MOVEit hack, the spread of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) and “big game hunting” attacks seeking ransomware payments of $1 million or more helped drive record-breaking numbers, according to blockchain analysts at Chainalysis.

The $1.1 billion in ransomware payments tracked in 2023 represents a rebound from relatively low ransomware revenue in 2022. Total ransomware payments that year dropped to $567 million from $983 million in 2021.


Read the full article here: https://www.scmagazine.com/news/ransomware-payments-breached-1-billion-in-2023-a-first?nbd=Lz-Z0oABJRWPmOuPHfeI&nbd_source=mrkto&mkt_tok=MTg4LVVOWi02NjAAAAGRKcPQ1i0csnXzGvaA8cwCJvbC6A6xk-42paVnKi3wuTdPmANPc1wBHqEi7xdEY6j89RlKiykxGWBkGEJJODVzuO8f_Em_C70rykjpEqQMbWoW