WEBINAR: Why Family Offices Are The Next Big Target For Cyberattacks

Why family offices are the next nig target for cyberattacks
March 14, 2023 Location: Online

Date: March 14, 2023

Time: 12:00PM EST / 9:00AM PST

25% of family offices have been a victim of cyberattacks. Because it’s easier than hacking well-defensed companies, cybercriminals now regularly target the personal digital lives of individuals and families with wealth, access, status, and reputation.

Join Force Family Offices’ webinar with BlackCloak Founder & CEO, Dr. Chris Pierson and DataTribe co-founder, Michael Janke, to learn about cybersecurity strategies for family offices and high-net-worth individuals, and the opportunity that creates for investors.


Register here: https://forcefamilyoffice.com/events/financials/datatribe-coming-march-14-2023/