Germany’s BSI sues Microsoft for more information on recent security incidents. Julian Assange can appeal his U.S. extradition. AI chatbots may have itchy trigger fingers. CISA warns of vulnerabilities affecting Google Chrome and D-Link routers. Ham Radio’s association suffers a data breach. New underground marketplaces pop up to replace BreachForums. An updated banking trojan targets users in Central and South America. Cybercom’s founders share its origin story.  Examining gender bias in open source software contributors. For our Industry Voices segment, guest Chris Pierson, CEO at BlackCloak, met up with N2K’s Brandon Karpf at the 2024 RSA Conference to discuss personal cybersecurity risks for executives. College students unlock free laundering — no money required.

On our Industry Voices segment, guest Chris Pierson, CEO at BlackCloak, met up with N2K’s Brandon Karpf at the 2024 RSA Conference. Chris and Brandon discussed personal cybersecurity risks for executives.

Listen to the full podcast here.