By 2025, experts predict there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT (internet of things) devices. The internet of things refers to all things, or devices, that connect to the World Wide Web. While this high level of connectivity has provided much convenience and accessibility, safety and privacy is a growing concern.

The internet makes your life easier. By always being connected to the web, you can stay in touch with loved ones, listen to your favorite music, and become more efficient in your job. However, as technology continues to advance, hackers and online privacy issues are becoming more prevalent.

When it comes to web security, webcams are a hot topic of discussion. Many people believe hackers can tap into your computer’s camera. Therefore, many laptop and desktop users will attach a webcam cover when it’s not in use.

As many of us have heard about covering this camera, have you ever thought about your home’s security system? Do you think hackers can infiltrate those as well?

While home security cameras can keep your loved ones safe, there are some privacy concerns to consider.

In this post, we’ll explain the seriousness of this problem, tips on how to protect security cameras from hackers, and how BlackCloak can give your home the protection you deserve.


Is Your Home Secure?

1 in 5 home camera systems are viewable by strangers. Is Your Home Secure?

Is Your Home Secure?

While hackers are becoming smarter by the day, home security camera privacy is a worry on the minds of many homeowners. As major tech companies claim their systems are “safe” and “hack-free,” is that really the case?

Unfortunately, it is very possible to hack home security cameras. While there are many causes, poor system configuration is usually to blame. Here is a real-world example of this growing problem:

A few years ago, the Chief Operating Officer at a large technology company hired BlackCloak to protect their family from cyberattacks. Their home had one of the most reputable home security cameras in the industry, but it wasn’t as secure as they may have thought.

After a vulnerability scan of the home, BlackCloak found that the existing security controls on the security cameras were not turned on. In addition, other settings weren’t configured properly. As a result, the cameras were sending unencrypted video feeds across the entire internet, making the system extremely vulnerable to a cyberattack. This exposure lasted for three years.

BlackCloak was able to provide the homeowner and their provider with clear steps on how to configure the proper settings. This closed off the camera’s access to the internet, leading to much-improved home security camera privacy.


Tips for how to protect security cameras from hackers

Top tips to protect security cameras from hackers

Tips for how to protect security cameras from hackers

Here are some simple suggestions on how to keep your home’s security cameras safe:

  • Turn on the built-in firewall for your cameras. This monitors and controls any incoming and outcoming data from these devices. Your camera should come with instructions to help you set this up.
  • Always choose a router with Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) over Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security where available; this will offer the latest encrypt standard for your data and information.
  • Choose a strong Wi-Fi password that differs from your security camera password.
  • Turn off remote online monitoring, which could make your home more susceptible to an attack. This allows you to monitor your home from a mobile device, but there are safety concerns when this feature is not in use. Always make sure to disable this tool after using it.
  • Continually updating your camera’s firmware can also help. As manufacturers typically make these updates to boost performance, homeowners should also follow this tactic. To check for an update, go to your camera manufacturer’s website.


BlackCloak is Here to Protect Your HomeBlackCloak is

Here to Protect Your Home

Experts believe that 3.5 million home security cameras across the globe are at risk of a cyberattack due to poor design and configuration issues.

To ensure a high level of home security camera privacy, you must work with a trusted and professional cybersecurity provider. Here at BlackCloak, we have helped hundreds of high-profile and high-net-worth homeowners with their home network protection needs. We provide penetration testing, routine scans, and many other solutions to ensure your security cameras are safe.

Contact BlackCloak today to learn about how we can protect your family from a cyberattack.


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